Measurements for dresses

Please use this form for dresses, cloaks etc. It is not needed for capes.

These measurements are used for making your dress. Please be thorough. I am not liable for any wrongly taken measurements!

Please take the measurements over your underwear or tight fitting clothes. Do not wear low sitting trousers as they produce wrong measurements. Do not add or substract any value from your numbers. I will do that myself.
Taking the measurements is easier with some help.

Please click on the pictures to make them bigger.

any required numbers are indicated by an *

    Name, first name*


    Dress / Order*

    measurements taken in:


    Height (KöH)* ->

    neck (HaU)* ->

    bust (BrU)* ->

    underbust (uBrU) ->

    waist (TaU)* ->

    hip (HüF)* ->

    arm length (ArL)* ->

    desired sleeve length ->

    The back width is measured acros the lower rim of your shoulder blades while your arms hang loosely by your sides. Breast point and front length are both measured from your 7th neck vertebrae on, across your shoulder. Please measure both sides. This is recommendable for a good fit.

    Back width (RüB)* ->

    back length (RüL)* ->

    biceps (OaU)* ->

    wrist (HgU) ->

    shoulder width (SuB) ->

    breast point (BrT)

    -> right
    -> left

    front length (VL)

    -> right

    -> left

    Waist length

    front (vTaH)* ->

    back (hTaH)* ->

    right (rTaH)* ->

    left (lTaH)* ->

    Hip length (HüT) ->

    Hooped petticoat circumference ->

    For a regency dress (or empires dress) please measure these from your desired waist height on.

    In case your wear a hooped petticoat or any shaping things under your skirt, please measure above these. In case of a hooped petticoat I need its circumference, too, to make the skirt fit.

    The hip length goes from your natural waist to the widest hip part.

    anything else: